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Here you see the pictures of parts of my basket case twin that is up for sale. Due to too many projects I will part with my Rapide project.
Its mainly everything there you need for a twin apart from a gearbox plus gearbox cover, the kickstarter and gearselector parts and other things you cannot find in the pictures.
These are according to Bob Dunn excellent cases. The crank was rebuilt with new big end and mainshafts by Maughan’s couple of years ago. The UFM is genuine Vincent with no number on it. I carefully inspected it, but I simply cannot find a number. It was obviously a replacement headstock or complete UFM from the works. The engine is from the transition period, hence the cases are Vincent embossed, but the cover has the HRD polished off.
The rear head is damaged but repairable, the front head is good. The drive side cover has been reworked by somebody to fit an alternator. it is not the original cover as can be detected by the mating number being different. After removing the putty and reworking the dome it can surely be reused. The tank is an original one, not an Indian copy.
The RFM (straight lugs)has been powder coated black already. I am pretty sure I also have the two front stand legs and I will probably find some more parts to throw in.
What you see is what you get.